Hello, if you're here means you're a girl who likes to always look good and our game is exactly what you want in this great day. All the girls are careful about how they look, they go to beauty salons and spa salons and today you will be able to work with us in our beauty salon. Today you will be able to test your skills and more than that you'll be able to prove that you are a very talented kid. This mission is very exciting, you'll be able to use your talents to create the most interesting hairstyles and makeup most expressive types. We recently opened a salon and come here very many girls who want to have the most beautiful hairstyles, we have the best employees but today you will be the only one who will take care of business. You will be manager and we know that our business will prosper if you are attentive to details. Soon you'll be able to have your own beauty salon. Besides you'll be able to learn many tricks of beauty. What you learn here you'll be able to use whenever you go out in the park or at parties. We know that you'll be able to make them very happy our clients.This game will help you to prove everybody that you are a responsible man and a good friend.Success!- In the beginning you will know Anne, it wants to follow a course to be able to work in a spa salon;- This calls to school and enroll;- Anne wants to become the best hairdresser;- Her girlfriends want to work with Anne and will need to help put into the luggage all the things they need;- Help the girls make the most beautiful hairstyles;- Wash hair with shampoo for dry hair;- Rinse with warm water;- Dry the hair;- Cut the demaged tops;- Comb hair with a professional brush;- Then catch hairs with two clips;- Girls feel tired and now they need a time to relax;- You have to do a facial;- Apply exfoliating gel to cleanse the skin;- Rinse with warm water;- Apply cream plant;- Remove spots and acne;- Apply concealer;- Now you have to makeup, apply: contact lenses, mascara, lipstick, eye shadow, eyebrow pencil and powder for the cheeks;- The prom will be held and Anne and Sara want the most beautiful dresses and go to a tailor shop;- Choose the most beautiful models;- Choose the most beautiful materials;- Now girls need the most exciting accessories;- Sara wants to make her own jewelry;- Help her choose the best metal;- Apply gemstones;- Jewels look great;- The girls are very beautiful, it will be a wonderful party.
Thank you for what you did to those two friends of ours, please visit us every day through this makeup salon game for girls.
Have fun!